Friday, August 10, 2012


I am so excited to share this recipe.
Like really stinkin' excited.
This is one of my first made-up recipes. 
Like how legit chefs do it. 
Like taste it and add more and hope for the best.
But the best always comes out 'cause of my street smarts, brah!

How did I get this wondrous feeling, you ask? Well, I needed barbecue sauce for my pasta, of course! (Recipe here) No really. You don't do that? 
But I didn't have enough bottled goodness. So I scoured the internet (okay not scoured, but Google only shows one page of search results, right?) and found some tasty-sounding substitutes. 
But alas, I did not have everything they called for.
But I got the gist of what the flavor they were grasping for, so I began to make an educated guess. 
Or a hypothesis. 
Except unlike elementary school science projects, I guessed at the same time as the experiment.
So yeah. Barbecue sauce.

1 cup ketchup
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp mustard
1/2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp lemon juice (Yeah, I know. Weird, right? I thought it was done; it tastes alright without it, and then I saw this in the fridge. SO glad I did. It's too sweet without.)

1. Place the ketchup in a bowl and work your way down the list, stirring and adding as you go. Mix until well integrated. (No brown sugar clumps or ribbons of mustard. Ew.)

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